About VWER

Welcome to VWER, the Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable. We meet on Thursdays at 12 noon SLT (Pacific US time) for an hour (8 pm in the UK, 3 pm Eastern US time. VWER is a forum to educate and inform the community about issues that are important and relevant to education in virtual worlds. VWER meets in the 3D virtual world, Second Life (™ Linden Lab) at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/234/24/22

We keep and publish meeting transcripts, which are archived on this website. Transcripts are lightly edited for clarity.

Find our schedule at https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=c2hlZmZpZWxkLmFjLnVrX3VzcmRnbmdhMmVrbXA2NnFjaW5uMGxybHZrQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20

VWER was founded in 2008 (initially with the name “Second Life Education Roundtable”) and has been running continuously since then, developing a community of educators from around the world. Please join the VWER group in Second Life. Join our Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/159154226946/ . Also find and post pictures to our Flickr group at https://www.flickr.com/groups/vwer/ and follow us on Twitter @VWER https://twitter.com/VWER . When you blog or tweet, please remember to include the tag #vwer, where you can catch up on our Tweetchat.